3 STDs To Know That Are Transmitted Through Oral Sex

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases known to be transmitted through sexual contact with other infected people. Many of us recognise an STD when we experience pain in the genitalia, but STDs can actually infect other parts of the body as well. When STD clinics in Singapore conduct STD tests, they will not only inspect the person’s genitalia for signs of infection, but will also conduct blood tests, urine tests and throat swabs. A significant number of STDs can actually be transmitted through oral sex, resulting in an infection in the mouth or throat. Because most of these are bacterial in nature, they usually cause symptoms in the region where they are infected. For infections in the throat, symptoms vary, from simple sore throats to ulcers and flu-like symptoms. However, when these infections are in a patient’s throat, it is possible for them to spread the STD to other people who have oral sex with them. In this article, we’ll be explaining the signs and symptoms of three STDs that can be transmitted through oral sex.


Chlamydia is an STD caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It is well known as an STD that is sometimes asymptomatic, which means some people who have chlamydia may not know that they have the disease, as they do not exhibit any symptoms. Chlamydia can be transmitted to a sex partner when oral sex is performed on an infected penis. Receiving oral sex from a partner who has chlamydia in the throat may also result in transmission. Usually, when chlamydia infects the throat, it shows no symptoms. However, it can still be transmission during oral sex to other partners. If infected on the genitalia, patients may experience symptoms such as a burning sensation when urinating and painful and swollen testicles. There may also be a discharge from the penis or vagina. Chlamydia can be easily treated with antibiotics from STD clinics, but it is recommended that everyone be tested for chlamydia often, as it is possible to have no symptoms while infected.


Syphilis is another bacterial infection that can be transmitted through oral sex. Syphilis is caused by the bacteria treponema pallidum and can lead to severe consequences if left untreated. One of the main syphilis symptoms is a sore or rash on the infected area, such as on the genitals, on the lips, on the mouth or on the anus. If left untreated, in the final stage, syphilis patients may cause neurological problems, such as stroke, dementia, blindness and hearing loss. Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, so it is important to get tested at an STD clinic if you think you have developed a syphilis rash.


Herpes is caused by a virus known as the herpes simplex virus. This STD can be spread quite rapidly, as some patients may be asymptomatic. However, herpes can actually be transmitted quite easily from person to person. Giving or receiving oral sex from an infected partner can result in the transmission of herpes. The main symptom for herpes is painful and itchy sores, usually in the area where the infection took place. Currently, no cure for herpes is available, but there are medicines that can shorten or prevent the outbreaks of sores. If you think you have a herpes sore, do get yourself an STD test to confirm whether you do have herpes, so as to limit future transmission to other sexual partners.


While oral sex is incredibly common, it also poses some risk to those who participate in it. By getting tested periodically, you will ensure that you are sexually healthy.

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