Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals Quickly With Fat Freezing

Cryogenic lipolysis, or simply fat freezing, works just like what its name suggests. Unlike liposuction, it is a non-surgical process. The way it was originated was very interesting. Researchers had tested frostbite and found that fat cells were freezing due to skin freezing.

Professionals who target specific areas like thighs, stomach, perform the procedure and arms and patients can also choose their target areas. It requires patients to sit for more than 2 hours and cooling pads are applied to start suction on the skin and crystallize fat cells. Read on this fat freeze review Singapore to know how it works.

Does it help in weight loss?

Fat freezing can be very helpful in weight loss if it is safely done by a professional. Results may vary by person to person and it may take a few months to see noticeable results. Your waistline might be slightly improved and less bulging of any concerned area for the first time.

Fat freezing is not that effective to lose lots of weight because the weight of fat is lesser than that of muscles. However, it might help you lose your love handles a bit. It is still recommended to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet to manage your weight.

After a short treatment for half an hour, the fat freezing can give effective and short term results for up to 3 months.

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